An email address.
Plate number of the vehicle for which you are submitting the claim.
Vehicle owners customer number on vehicle registration.
Drivers customer number and birth date if not the owner of the vehicle.
If applicable, the SGI CANADA package policy number or the name of the company any additional insurance was purchased from for this vehicle. What is additional insurance?
What is additional insurance?
Many motorists purchase additional insurance, better known as a package policy, to lower or eliminate their deductible and provide more coverage than basic plate insurance.
Information on other vehicles, other drivers and witnesses involved in the incident.
If reported to the police, the file number. When does an accident have to be reported to the police?
When does an accident have to be reported to the police?
Incidents must be reported to police if any of these circumstances apply:
- a collision results in injury or death
- a driver is impaired
- any of the vehicles involved have to be towed from the scene
- a collision involves an out-of-province vehicle
- when damage is caused by any of these criminal code offences:
You only need to report a hit and run collision to the police if any of these circumstances apply:
- there was at least one witness
- you have a general idea of where or when the damage occurred
- there's physical evidence to suggest another vehicle caused the damage
- you can identify who caused the random act of vandalism or intentional malicious damage
If none of the above apply, the accident needs only to be reported to SGI.
If you are a GST registrant, your eligible percentage. What is a GST registrant?
What is a GST registrant?
A GST registrant is a business or individual who has received a GST registration number from Revenue Canada and is engaged in a commercial or farming activity. A GST registrant is eligible to claim for all, or a portion of, the input costs for the purchase, repair or servicing of their vehicle.